启航学校 > 考研自习室 > 2020考研翻译硕士外交类词汇梳理


时间:2024-05-05 栏目:专硕课资料


  accredited journalist 特派记者

  a joint communiqué 联合公报

  all-dimensional foreign policy 全方位的外交政策

  allied powers 同盟国

  ambassador extraordinary and pleni-potentiary 特命全权大使

  ambassador with special function 特任大使

  a permanent ceasefire 停火协议

  armed intervention 武装干涉

  arms control 军控

  arms race 军备竞赛

  a treaty of arbitration 仲裁条约

  bargaining agent 谈判代表


  cat’s paw 傀儡

  certificate of appointment 委任证书

  circular note 通知照会

  citizen treatment 国民待遇

  cold war nentality 冷战思维

  commercial attaché 商务专员

  commercial secretary 商务参赞

  commit troops to 承诺派军

  congratulatory message 贺电,贺信

  consulate-general 总领事馆

  cordial hospitality 盛情接待

  de facto recognition 事实上承认

  de jure recognition 法律承认

  diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋

  diplomatic courier 外交信使

  diplomatic representative 外交代表

  during one’s absence 离任期间

  European community 欧洲共同体(欧共体)


  European Parliament 欧洲议会

  European Union (EU) 欧盟

  exective branch 执行机构

  extra-affairs commissioner 外事专员

  face-to-face talk 会晤

  fence-mending visit 修好访问

  first secretary 一等秘书

  Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交和联邦办公室

  Front row seat 首席记者

  G8 Summit 八国峰会

  His Excellency Mr. President and Madam 总统先生阁下和夫人

  His (Her, Your) Excellency 阁下

  His (Her, Your) Majesty 陛下

  His (Her, Your) Royal Highness 殿下

  honor guard 仪仗队

  hot spot “热点”地区


  humanitarian aid 人道主义援助

  humanitarian mission 人道主义使命

  human rights conventions 人权公约

  integration process 一体化进程

  international order and justice 国际秩序和正义

  Japan-U. S. alliance 日美同盟

  letter of appointment 委任书

  letter of recall 召回公文

  liaison office 联络处

  member of the delegation 代表团成员

  memorandum of understanding on 谅解备忘录

  memorial meeting 追悼会

  message of condolence 唁电

  military attaché 武官


  mutually beneficial cooperation 互利共赢的合作

  mutual recognition 互相承认

  non-proliferation treaty 防扩散条约

  non-traditional security issues 非传统安全问题

  normalized relations 关系正常化

  nuclear weapons 核武器

  occasional regional armed conflicts 局部武装冲突

  on the happy occasion of… 欣逢


  peace-keeping force 维和部队

  permanent member (of the Security Council of the United Nations) (安理会)常任理事国

  permanent president 常任主席

  persona non grata 不受欢迎的人


