启航学校 > 考研自习室 > 殷文云-考研英语中的“silver”


时间:2024-05-04 栏目:考研互动


没错!在英语中,有一个习惯用语叫作“silver lining”,意思就是“不幸或失望中的一线希望”。不过必须指出的是,它的起源和中国的银子没有任何关系。事实上,它来自于一句西方谚语:Every cloud has a silver lining,意思是每片乌云都有银色的衬里,也可以理解为黑暗中总有一线光明,或是天无绝人之路。

因此,“silver lining”如果用英文解释就是“a hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulty”。

我们来看一个来自《读者文摘》(Reader's Digest)的例子:

It helps to be particularly attuned to the silver lining that your partner sees in a really dark time.这句话的大意是:这有助于你更好地体会伴侣在黑暗中看到的一线希望。



这一传统带来了一个习惯用语:be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth。它的意思就是“出生于有钱人家”,即“be born into a wealthy family”。


We may both be wealthy now, but I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

也就是说,I had nothing when I was young, and all of my fortune is down to my own hard work.

当然,真正的财富,其实不是嘴里咬着银制的汤匙,而是嘴里长着银色的舌头。为什么这么说呢?因为在英语中,“silver tongue”指的是“口才;巧舌如簧”,也就是我们常说的“三寸不烂之舌”。用英文解释就是“oratory skills that are particularly eloquent, artful, seductive, and/or persuasive”。

例如,He might not have much experience in politics, but his silver tongue is bound to win over a great deal of voters.

是的,拥有滔滔不绝的口才的确是一笔财富。然而有时候,沉默却更值钱。汉语里,人们常说“沉默是金”,而英语把这种说法又加强了一些:speech is silver, silence is gold。直译过来就是:雄辩是银,沉默是金。如果用英文解释,就是“an expression that values silence over speech”。

举一个例子,如果一个人什么话都和记者说,那么你就可以这样告诫他:I would be careful around all those reporters if I were you. Remember: speech is silver, silence is gold.


