时间:2025-01-24 栏目:志愿报考
姓 名:许 群 性 别:女 出生年月:1971年5月
籍 贯:河北省武强县 最高学历:博 士 从事专业:材料科学
职 务:副院长 职 称:教授
联系方式:电话:0371-67767827,67739011 E-mail:qunxu@zzu.edu.cn
Research Interests
Advanced Materials, Supercritical Fluids, Colloidal Assembly, Green chemistry
Research Directions
1.Modification of zero, one and two – dimensional carbon materials using polymer with assistance of supercritical CO2;
2.Fabrication and control of nanocomposite and functional materials;
3.Colloidal assembly and build of colloidal superstructure Honors and Awards
2004年获“河南省学术与技术带头人”称号;2005年被评为河南省首届归国留学人员创业之星; 2006年评为河南省高校优秀共产党员; 2006年获河南省师德标兵荣誉称号;2006年“利用超临界流体技术对工程塑料进行改性”获河南省科技进步二等奖;2007年获河南省青年科技专家荣誉称号;2008年获中国青年女科学家奖提名奖;2009年获日本化学会亚洲杰出学者奖;2009年获国务院政府特殊津贴;2009年获河南省五四青年奖章
Book and Book Chapters
2.英国剑桥出版社出版的《Biodegradable polymers for industrial applications》的Chapter 18 “Generation of biodegradable polycaprolactone foams in supercritical carbon dioxide”.
Journal Article (近五年部分SCI论文)
1.Fan Zhang, Qun Xu*,Hao Zhang, Zhiwei Zhang, “Polymer Supermolecular Structures Built on Carbon Nanotubes via a Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-Assisted Route”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009,113,18531-18535.
2.Yan Li, Jiafu Chen, Qun Xu*,Linghao He, Zhimin Chen , “A Controllable Route to Solid and Hollow-Monodisperse- Carbon Nanospheres”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 10085-10089.
3.Aping Niu, Yan Li, Jiafu Chen, Qun Xu*, Yanxia Cao,” Utilizing Polystyrene Microspheres as Confined Space to Help TiO2 Nanocrystals Formation with Assistance of Supercritical CO2”, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48, 7103-7109.
4.Chengwu Hua, Zhimin Chen, Qun Xu*, Linghao He, “Ring-banded Spherulites in PCL and PCL/MWNT Solution-Casting Films and Effect of Compressed CO2 on them”, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2009, 47,784-792.
5.Qiuyan Yang, Shufa Qin, Jiafu Chen, Wei Ni, Qun Xu*, “Supercritical Carbon Dioxide – Assisted Loosening Preparation of Dry Leather”, J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 2009, 113, 4015-4022.